Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap Another big driving annoyance of mine is how people seem to think that the 1-2 car length gap that you leave between you and the car in front of you, was specifically there for their use. I’m sorry, I put that gap there intentionally so I would have time to break if… Continue reading Mind the Gap

The Merge

The Merge A huge pet peeve of mine is while driving and someone is going to merge into traffic, but they insist that traffic slow down and make room for them to merge. The very definition according to Merriam-Webster is “to blend or come together without abrupt change”, (source) yet you insist on merging into… Continue reading The Merge


Good Squeeze Nothing like giving your car a little squeeze every now and then. This pro tip ensures that you get all the oil out when you do an oil change.  This is the preferred method of squeezing the oil out of your car. The other method is a bit destructive. I know that this… Continue reading Squeeze