Cool Websites

These are some cool websites that I have run across in my daily life, surfing the web. I hope that you can find one or two that really help you out.

Earth In Real Time

Earth In Real Time

July 8, 2023

Earth In Real-Time This month, I explore the world of real-time or near real-time views of the earth and weather. I stumbled upon a really good website that provides LIVE is providing really good visual weather maps. Zoom Earth shows free up-to-date satellite imagery (in near real-time) updated every 10-15...

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AirNow EPA website map

Cool Website for February – AirNow

March 5, 2023

Cool Website for February – AirNow With all the news about train crashes and chemical explosions and air quality, I did some digging around and found the AirNow website by the EPA. AirNow Simply enter your zip code, city, or state and the website will query the database and show...

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Music Makes The World Go Around

August 24, 2022

Music Makes The World Go Around Radio Garden If you are into music, then you might enjoy this website that I ran across. It is Radio Garden and they have hundreds of radio stations from around the world. Radio Garden is actually a project by a non-profit Dutch radio and...

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radio active


July 24, 2022

RadioActive Nope, no the Imagine Dragons song, nope, not even RadioActive by The Firm. I ran across these two maps that track radioactivity in the local environment. I didn’t realize that the United States has so many detection devices along major highways. Take 1-95 in Northern Virginia. Around 2006 the...

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Photo Editing

Cleanup Pictures

June 24, 2022

Cleanup Pictures This month’s website is, which does a pretty good job of removing an object from a photo in my case, I uploaded a photo of Average Joe at Great Falls, and then I decided that Average Joe was blocking the view so I removed him. It actually...

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Secret Menu

The Super Secret Menu Items

May 24, 2022

The Super Secret Menu Items There are YouTube influencers who are making money by making videos on fast food restaurants and their secret menu items. Supposedly just about every restaurant has some secret menu items, or items that they serve, but are not on the menu. Things like McDonald’s are...

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  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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