
Welcome to the technology page of my blog. I love tech, and I have been doing IT since high school (the mid-80s). I cut my teeth on an Apple IIe, self-taught basic. When I graduated high school, I joined the Marine Corps and was selected for a technology field. At that time, the Marine Corps didn’t have a systems administrator, so I cross-trained as a Unix System Admin, becoming certified in SunOS, shortly after that period, I started to learn the Windows OS,. learning Windows 3.0 and then 3.1. I also became a certified Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 System Admin. 

As time went by I became MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) twice, once for Windows 2000 and once for Windows 2003 (these certifications include Windows 2000 and Windows XP). To include modern certifications include CompTIA Security + SANS/GIAC GSLC (GIAC Security Leadership Certification). And extensive RMF (NIST Risk Management Framework) training and real-world application.

Today, most of my modern experience is with the Windows desktop side of the world (Windows 7, 8 10 & 11), but I do have plenty of servers 2008, 2012, 2016 & 2019 experience.

I also have very strong networking and Cyber Security experience, working in various IA (Information Assurance) efforts over the years. 


Another Side of Cyberbullying

June 3, 2024

Another Side of Cyberbullying Some are just trolls, hiding behind the anonymity of their keyboard and internet connection. Others spend their time trying to get you to spend time, having an exchange with them. While others take it to the next level. They start to find out information about the...

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Are You Using Good Passwords?

May 29, 2024

Are You Using Good Passwords? It is 2024 and for some reason many people are still using weak or old passwords. I bet you have the same password for most of the websites that you log on to. The most common access point for a hacker is the password. Simple...

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Server Room of Doom Title

Server Room Of Doom

May 5, 2024

Server Room Of Doom In 1977, a text-based adventure game was released. Zork is a text-based adventure game wherein the player explores the ruins of the Great Underground Empire. The player types text commands for their character to traverse locations, solve puzzles, and collect treasure. The game has hundreds of...

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Crypto growing

Thousands of WordPress Sites Get Hacked

April 10, 2024

Thousands of WordPress Sites Get Hacked Nearly 2,000 WordPress sites were hacked to display a fake NFT and discount pop-up that tricks visitors into connecting their crypto wallets to a crypto drainer, which will steal all the funds in the wallet. Cybersecurity company, Sucuri discovered the hack in early March...

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Sphere at the Venetian Resort

Nerding Out Over The Sphere

March 20, 2024

Nerding Out Over The Sphere What is the Sphere you ask? The Sphere is one of the newest destination spots on the Las Vegas Strip. It is designed so the inside and the outside display high-resolution graphics. But there is so much more the technology is mind-boggling. The Las Vegas...

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cyber security

Computer Security Day

November 30, 2023

Computer Security Day Sadly there is only one Computer Security Day each year as I know many people seem to never learn anything about Computer Security. Cyber security affects everything from where we bank and how we spend our money to who we elect to public office. It isn’t a...

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  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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