Conspiracy Therories

I’m an amateur conspiracy theorist, which means that I just play around with them, and I don’t necessarily believe all of them or some of them, or anyone in particular, but I do often find inconsistencies in real-world events that do support some of the theories. I can climb down a rabbit hole in a second as long as the theory can hold a little bit of water.

This category of my blog is me, periodically jumping in with both feet into the rabbit hole and playing around with the theory, either supporting it or debunking it, but more often than not, I’m not going to present anything that will do either of those. I’m more than likely just going to present some things that will make you go, hmmmmmmmm

Things that make you go, hmmmmm
Falling down the stairs

Falling down the Stairs

February 22, 2023

Falling down the Stairs No, I hate to say it, but that isn’t the President falling down the stairs, and no I’m not wishing him ill, it’s more of an I had to prove wrong scandal involving him. But that isn’t the President, first, the President does not exit Air...

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Screen shot from adult video, supposed to be President Biden and his daughter Ashley

It’s Not Who You Think

January 7, 2023

It’s Not Who You Think I kept running across these screenshots around the internet, claiming that the people in the video were President Joe Biden and an underaged girl. When I was doing research for a post, these grainy screenshots were everywhere. And all the captions were worded in such...

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Birds are not real

“Birds Aren’t Real” Conspiracy Theory Gone Wrong

October 23, 2022

“Birds Aren’t Real” Conspiracy Theory Gone Wrong From time to time, I will attempt to go down a few rabbit holes of a conspiracy. Now, this doesn’t mean that I believe or disbelieve these theories, but instead, I wanted to explore them and start a dialog and see where it...

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Conspiracy Therories

Flight 93 Crash – What’s Missing

March 24, 2022

Flight 93 Crash – What’s Missing The recent crash of a Chinese airplane brought to mind Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA, and SilkAir Flight 185, as all three flights ended in near-vertical nose-first crashes. This also brought up all the Flight 93 conspiracy theories and how it was all fake....

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  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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