Falling down the Stairs
No, I hate to say it, but that isn’t the President falling down the stairs, and no I’m not wishing him ill, it’s more of an I had to prove wrong scandal involving him. But that isn’t the President, first, the President does not exit Air Force One, from the back staircase. He will always exit from the front and usually by himself or with family. Second, the aircraft in the video isn’t a Boeing VC-25, which is the aircraft usually used for Air Force One. The plane in the video has two engines, whereas Air Force One has four.
I feel compelled to explain that Air Force One is a radio call sign and not a particular aircraft. Whatever Air Force aircraft that the President is on is called Air Force One. There are actually multiple airplanes that we see the President fly in. Usually, the tail number for the most common are 28000 and 29000. The most common aircraft is a VC-25A (Modified Boeing 747-200B). I say usually, as there may be a time when 28000 and 29000 are not available for some reason and the president needs to fly in a different aircraft.
To clear things up, the President flew in Air Force One tail #28000 this week with the destination of Poland. He made his way down the stairs with no issues this time. It was actually a White House staffer, that fell down the stairs.
The aircraft in the video has 03 as the last two digits of its tail number, which means it is likely tail number 90003.
Aircraft for the President and VIPs are provided by the United States Air Force Special Air Mission. In fact, they provide air transportation for the president of the United States (POTUS), vice president of the United States (VPOTUS), the first lady of the United States (FLOTUS), presidential Cabinet, U.S. congressional delegations (CODELs), and other high-ranking American and foreign dignitaries.
The Special Air Mission is under the cognizance of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) and executed by the 89th Airlift Wing (89 AW) based at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.
There is actually a large fleet of U.S Air Force airplanes painted this paint scheme and this one was likely a C-32A (Modified 757) tailnumber 90003
A still from a video taken at a different angle shows the tail number is indeed 90003.
The United States Air Force Special Air Mission provides air transportation for the president of the United States (POTUS), the vice president of the United States (VPOTUS), the first lady of the United States (FLOTUS), the presidential Cabinet, U.S. congressional delegations (CODELs), and other high-ranking American and foreign dignitaries.
Update: Damn it, I drafted this post and sure enough, now there is a story and video of President Biden actually falling up the stairs once again.
Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.
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