Just For Fun

This is where all the stupid funny shit is at. If you are sensitive or are going to cry about something you saw online, then this isn’t the place for you. You should probably piss off.

double padlocks

When You See It – Padlock Edition

May 31, 2024

When You See It – Padlock Edition A few years ago, I was on a walkabout on the farm where we board our horses, and I ran across this at a gate, and it made me stop and think. When you see it, you suddenly think that the Lock Picking...

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Funny Future Law Suit

Future Class Action Lawsuit

May 25, 2024

Future Class Action Lawsuit In the not-too-distant future, some ambulance-chasing law firm will come up with this class action lawsuit, you just wait and see. I’m sure we have all heard that in 1992, Stella Liebeck (79) sued McDonald’s after she spilled hot coffee on her lap and suffered third-degree...

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People watching again

People Watching Again

May 7, 2024

People Watching Again My wife and I were at a doctor’s office and while we were going through the check-in process, a lady about 10 feet away, who was also waiting for her infusion to be completed, was talking on her cell phone very loudly in a foreign language via...

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making my family

Making My Family – Offended

May 5, 2024

Making My Family – Offended I love this one, but I also understand how someone might be offended, however, I can barely understand what in the hell the person who wrote the note, so their argument is invalid for that very reason. “Making My Family” with stick figures of a...

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You Had One Job

You Had One Job

March 19, 2024

You Had One Job We have all seen the web pages that show stupid things that people do. Well here are some that I like to title, “You Had One Job” Take this mess of an elevator panel. To someone, it seemed logical to others like me it is very...

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Lord Dark Helmet

Lord Dark Helmet

February 17, 2024

Lord Dark Helmet One of my favorite movies is Spaceballs. Rick Moranis, was so funny as Lord Dark Helmet. For those who have never seen Spaceballs, I encourage you to watch it. It is a parody of several movies about space, with Star Wars being the main. If slapstick humor...

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  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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