Stolen Valor

Being a former active duty Marine, I have lost friends who have either died in combat or who have taken their own life. So someone posing as a military member or veteran really just pissed me off. I’m going to post articles and videos here about these posers.

Marines Sign

When You See It, Cpl Edition

August 12, 2023

When You See It, Cpl Edition Alright Marines, take a look at this young NCO, and let’s see what is wrong in this picture. Let’s see if we can see all that is wrong with the uniform of this young Cpl. He is wearing the cover issued to female Marines...

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MARPAT - USMC - Marine Corps Camo Pattern

Just No Respect For The Military

February 17, 2023

Just No Respect For The Military She has no respect for the military, this has to stop. What is this crap, a sleeve from a Charlie shirt with Corporal chevrons, half of an Alpha blouse, half of Dress Blues with Sgt chevrons? I’m at a loss for words on this...

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What is this shit?

Come On Marine, What Is This Shit?

September 27, 2022

Come On Marine, What Is This Shit? I’m sure that this is some Cpl that has been discharged and is being a dumbshit and thinks he is actually funny, by making fun of the Corps. Now I’m all for some fun, even fun at the Corps’ expense. But this is...

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POS Gabrielle Beutler

Here We Go Again – Thieving Bitch

September 13, 2022

Here We Go Again – Thieving Bitch It appears that there must be a book out there titled “How To Steal Money From Veterans“, I recently posted about a whack-job who managed to steal over $250K from veterans, by pretending to be one herself. This time is 31-year-old Gabrielle Beutler...

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Military Uniform Costumes

Fake Military Uniforms

September 7, 2022

Fake Military Uniforms Full Disclosure – Yes, I know the header image is just a little kid wearing Halloween costumes, and this post isn’t about those fake uniforms and kids pretending to be in the military. Trust me, you will want to read this one. I’m sure that there are...

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Stolen Valor, POS

Stolen Valor (Village Idiots) – Angry Vets Rage Compilation (Marine Reacts)

March 6, 2022

Stolen Valor (Village Idiots) – Angry Vets Rage Compilation (Marine Reacts) ‘I can’t remember what my papers said…. I just done whatever’. Now that is a classic line. Granted some might not recall the code for their MOS (USMC is a four-number digit; the Army, Air Force, and Navy are...

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  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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