Driving Pet Peeves - Passing
There seems to be no shortage of assholes on the road who don’t understand the rules of the road or driving etiquette. I can’t stand it when you are on a multi-lane highway and you are behind someone and you decide that they are going too slow, and you attempt to pass them. You move over to the passing lane and accelerate and as you start to overtake them, they start to speed up. There always seems to be one of these tools every day on my commute to work.
I just can’t understand what is going through their mind. I mean, it must be something like, “Oh, hell no, you are not going to pass me, I’m going to win this race”. I mean every time you speed up, so would they, and they were not going to allow you to pass them.
Seriously, that could be their thoughts, as I once worked with a guy who had that mentality. We carpooled for a week for some training we both needed to attend, and I swear this guy was drinking way too much caffeine or something. We were flying down I-95, and he is passing people and as he flies past them, he would say things like “I beat you, jackass” and “I’m winning, now, asshole”. I’m fairly certain that the people he was saying this to (who all had their windows up) were not even aware that this was a race. So maybe that is why it is so difficult to pass some people.
Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.
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