Driving Pet Peeves – School Bus & Zone This one burns my ass, as I’m a parent, yes, I actually have children. What is with people who seem to either think that the lights on a school bus don’t apply to them or just simply don’t understand the laws about school buses? It is simple… Continue reading Driving Pet Peeves – School Bus & Zone
Author: Mia Haresonfyre
Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.
Driving Pet Peeves – Put the Phone Down
Driving Pet Peeves – Put the Phone Down As you can tell, I have a very unique sense of humor and I’m very outspoken and if that bothers you, suck it, I don’t care. In the state that I reside and in most states for that matter, texting and driving is illegal, in fact most… Continue reading Driving Pet Peeves – Put the Phone Down
Driving Pet Peeves – Brake, Brake, Brake
Driving Pet Peeves- Brake, Brake, Brake I find it hard to believe that in 2024 there are still people who drive with two feet, one on the gas and the other resting on the brake pedal. I guess that they don’t understand that they are killing their brakes by doing that shit. Then there is… Continue reading Driving Pet Peeves – Brake, Brake, Brake
Driving Pet Peeves – Trash
Driving Pet Peeves – Trash First, people dumping trash out on the side of the road just pisses me off to no end. I can’t understand their thought process, I guess it isn’t their problem, so screw it. One of the problems I see are jackasses that will toss their McDonald’s trash (not bashing Micky… Continue reading Driving Pet Peeves – Trash
Driving Pet Peeves – Passing
Driving Pet Peeves – Passing There seems to be no shortage of assholes on the road who don’t understand the rules of the road or driving etiquette. I can’t stand it when you are on a multi-lane highway and you are behind someone and you decide that they are going too slow, and you attempt… Continue reading Driving Pet Peeves – Passing
I’m Back Bitches, Did You Miss Me?
I’m Back Bitches, Did You Miss Me? Joe reached out to me and asked if I would like to guest blog for him again and of course, I say, you bet! I’m not sure if he told everyone, but he stopped the guest blogging as someone was bitching about one of the guest bloggers and… Continue reading I’m Back Bitches, Did You Miss Me?
Talking Loudly On Your Phone
Talking Loudly On Your Phone Setting: You are in a grocery store and you hear a phone ring and the person an aisle over answers and talks so loudly that you can clearly hear the conversation. You are not eavesdropping, you are not straining to hear it, in fact, you rather not have to be… Continue reading Talking Loudly On Your Phone
Talking Loudly
Talking Loudly Why is it that some people just can’t “read the room”? I was at the doctor’s office the other day, and these two men were sitting there talking about sports, in a normal conversational tone. I mean, my wife and I and the other people in the room are whispering or talking softly,… Continue reading Talking Loudly
Cocaine Baby!
Cocaine Baby! I want to get this straight, you are telling me that in the most protected, controlled, and video-taped building in the free world, you can’t find a coke head, but, on January 6th, 2021, outside with thousands of people, all wearing winter coats and face masks, you can identify from hundreds of thousands… Continue reading Cocaine Baby!
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles U.S. Congressman Byron Donalds (R-Florida) addresses Congress on President Biden‘s Administration’s electric vehicle utopia – May 17 2023. Congressman Donalds: “True or false President Biden says he wants 50% of new cars to be electric by 2030.” EPA – Mr. Bradbury: “True but I guess now it’s 60 percent” Congressman Donalds: “Okay. True or… Continue reading Electric Vehicles