I’m Back Bitches, Did You Miss Me?

Piss off
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I'm Back Bitches, Did You Miss Me?

Joe reached out to me and asked if I would like to guest blog for him again and of course, I say, you bet! I’m not sure if he told everyone, but he stopped the guest blogging as someone was bitching about one of the guest bloggers and he had to handle that first. I swear people get bent out of shape over the silliest of shit.

I’m very upfront and outspoken and if you don’t like something I have to say, then you have several options:

1. Piss off
2. Grow up and just ignore my posts
3. Write some comments and share them with me

I’m not forcing you to read my posts, so if you don’t like them, too bad.

Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

Mia Haresonfyre

By Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

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