Men, You Need to Find a Women Like This
I’m sure that this will get a bunch of negative comments on this one. But hearing what she had to say, it was very refreshing. Mrs. Average, tries her best to shield me and let me go do guy things, but I usually refuse and inject myself into helping whatever she is doing, that is just who I am.
However, hearing what this young wife had to say is refreshing, because it is against the norm. Now, there are two sides to this. I have met some POS men, who can’t hold a job, or who play video games all day long instead of working, or even worse, they laze around in bed all day.
The way that I look at a family is, at least one person must work, this brings in the money that the family needs. The person who is staying home, with the kids, should be expected to cook and clean as that is their part of the family puzzle. And that last part is where all the “He-Man Woman-Haters Club” comes in. There are so many women that get enjoyment out of bashing their man. I’m sorry, he is at work all day doing the bidding of someone else, just for a few dollars. Then you should take care of the home front. If you were the breadwinner, then you would expect him to cook and clean.
Imagine you coming home from a 9-hour day, with a long drive on either side of it, and you must cook and clean, because he slept in and then played video games all day. I know that would piss me off for sure. So many women today, are bashing their man, for everything. “He left the toilet seat up“, “he missed the clothes hamper“, “he left his dishes” and so on. As a man, I could simply reply with “she left the toilet seat down” or “Why is the clothes hamper full” and so on. Give each other a freaking break and work together as a damn team.
But if you put the family in balance, where one person works for money and the other person works for the family, then so many great things can happen. I don’t know who this lady is in the video, but I applaud her for what she believes in. Just like most of the comments on the YouTube page, she is a good woman, and he is a good man, and they will raise a good family. It’s the American dream, really.
I know that personally, I bust my ass every day since I got married some 35 years ago. I work my fingers to the bone, to make sure that my family had what they needed.
***NOTE*** Who is the wife in the video you ask? That is none-other than Stefani from EncompassFarming. If you are going to stalk their social media, just note that they are known for some extremely controversial comments and beliefs.
Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.
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