Brrrrrrrrrrrt, That’s Why This just happens to be the Chinese Type 730 CIWS (Close-In Weapons System). It fires a 30mm round and is capable of firing up to 5,800 rounds per minute. The Type 730 is very similar to our Phalanx CIWS, which fires depleted uranium shells at a rate of 4,500 rounds per… Continue reading Brrrrrrrrrrrt, That’s Why
Tag: Gun
Cops and Active Shooter Response
Cops and Active Shooter Response TL:DR We have some bad-ass cops in this country, they are in the war zone every day again those with mental health problems, who are willing to kill others. I have been reading a ton of trash from people who have no fucking clue what they are talking about, regarding… Continue reading Cops and Active Shooter Response
Evil People Will Do Evil Things
Evil People Will Do Evil Things While doing research for a post, I ran across one of the below, but that prompted me to make this post. It seems that anytime there is a shooting everyone is quick to blame the gun, it must be the gun’s fault. The funny argument to that way of thinking is… Continue reading Evil People Will Do Evil Things
Guns, the Constitution and Facts
Guns, the Constitution, and Facts Recently I have been doing a little research online regarding gun control; I got tired of all the talk about outlawing guns and repealing the 2nd amendment. First – I want to make sure that everyone reading this is an adult and can act like an adult, so make sure… Continue reading Guns, the Constitution and Facts
Broken Background Checks
Broken Background Checks Here is something to think about! How does the U.S. Government know you are who you say you are? I will use myself as an example. How do they know I’m Joe Average? Well, I have a driver’s license that has my full name embossed on it. The driver’s license is based… Continue reading Broken Background Checks
Gun Control & PTSD – Interesting Point of View
Interesting Point of View – Gun Control & PTSD I asked my daughter who was around 16-17 years old at the time, about her thoughts on gun control, and she said that former veterans should not be allowed to own guns. I was taken aback by this view, as most people have the opposite thought… Continue reading Gun Control & PTSD – Interesting Point of View
Decatur, Illinois Police Shooting
Decatur, Illinois Police Shooting ***NOTE*** I will NOT approve any comments that are racial, period!!! I will not put up with that bullshit, period. Alright everyone, make sure you have your big kid underwear on, I’m not talking Garanimals, I’m talking full-on adult undies. If you are offended, then, maybe this isn’t the place for… Continue reading Decatur, Illinois Police Shooting
Red Flag Laws
Red Flag Laws Red Flag laws also scare me, on the surface they make sense, but when Karen and you are having a fight over the color of your flowers in your front flower bed, she’s all bitching that they are too bright and she wants you to replace them with something less bright, there… Continue reading Red Flag Laws
Mass Shootings In America
Mass Shootings In America I’m going to piss off a few people, but I want to ask the question about the elephant in the room. Why is it that after every mass shooting or mass murder incident in the United States, there is always the same verbiage in every damn case? “The suspect was known… Continue reading Mass Shootings In America
Who’s to Blame
The Blame Game I don’t normally want to post about things that are political and actually, Joe asked me to steer clear, but I’m a rebel and I begged to be able to post this. So put your seatbelts on kiddos, as this is going to be a bumpy ride and you might want to… Continue reading Who’s to Blame