Where did Karen come from?

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Where did Karen come from?

It seems that the exact origins of who started the who Karen meme thing, can’t be traced. But most “experts” agree that before Karen, there was “Can I speak to the manager” and that included the speak to the manager haircut (side-swept bob in the front with spikey and much shorter hair in the back). You know the absolutely silly-looking hairstyle that just screams, “I’m a fucking bitch“. That meme started to spread back in December 2014 and the name “speak to the manager haircut” was an instant unforgettable internet meme. By 2018, a collection of photographs of the haircut were published on Ebaum’s World, and by late 2018, there was a subreddit called /r/FuckYouKaren (source).

Somewhere in all that, the whole “Karen Starter Pack” memes took off which were photos of Karens, and the things that people felt were typically something a Karen would do or would use.

Many “experts” state that they feel that the “Karen” character originated from a Dane Cook comedy special that aired in 2005.

Play Video about Dane Cook

“Every group has a Karen, and she is always a bag of douche,” Cook said in the routine. “And when she’s not around, you just look at each other and say, ‘God, Karen, she’s such a douchebag!'”

Urban Dictionary first had a definition of “Karen” in March 2018.

Regardless of where Karen came from that crazy bitch is here to stay. (Source)


Hi, my name is Karrinn Knott, I'm an online friend of Average Joe's and I asked him if I could post periodically on his blog as a guest blogger. Much to my surprise, he said sure. He gave me a set of rules, which were, to keep it real, keep it light, keep it fun and when you post, make sure you reference your sources. I personally love to 'people watch' and point out the really stupid things that some people do. Since my name is Karrinn, I tend to point out the Karens in the world, or as I call them "A Karen in the wild". In my day job, I'm required to really be conservative, so this is a great outlet to let off some steam, and poke fun of the 'Karens' out there. I hope that you like my posts and Thank You Average Joe!!!


  • Hi, my name is Karrinn Knott, I'm an online friend of Average Joe's and I asked him if I could post periodically on his blog as a guest blogger. Much to my surprise, he said sure. He gave me a set of rules, which were, to keep it real, keep it light, keep it fun and when you post, make sure you reference your sources. I personally love to 'people watch' and point out the really stupid things that some people do. Since my name is Karrinn, I tend to point out the Karens in the world, or as I call them "A Karen in the wild". In my day job, I'm required to really be conservative, so this is a great outlet to let off some steam, and poke fun of the 'Karens' out there. I hope that you like my posts and Thank You Average Joe!!!

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By Karrinn

Hi, my name is Karrinn Knott, I'm an online friend of Average Joe's and I asked him if I could post periodically on his blog as a guest blogger. Much to my surprise, he said sure. He gave me a set of rules, which were, to keep it real, keep it light, keep it fun and when you post, make sure you reference your sources. I personally love to 'people watch' and point out the really stupid things that some people do. Since my name is Karrinn, I tend to point out the Karens in the world, or as I call them "A Karen in the wild". In my day job, I'm required to really be conservative, so this is a great outlet to let off some steam, and poke fun of the 'Karens' out there. I hope that you like my posts and Thank You Average Joe!!!

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