SOME PEOPLE As I arrived for my doctor’s appointment, there was this couple outside, blocking the door, fumbling around for masks (this particular doctor required masks), but blocking the entrance to me, who was wearing my mask already. In the waiting room, the male instantly started tapping his cowboy boots to some song in his… Continue reading Rude Ass People
Tag: loud
Talking Loudly On Your Phone
Talking Loudly On Your Phone Setting: You are in a grocery store and you hear a phone ring and the person an aisle over answers and talks so loudly that you can clearly hear the conversation. You are not eavesdropping, you are not straining to hear it, in fact, you rather not have to be… Continue reading Talking Loudly On Your Phone
Talking Loudly
Talking Loudly Why is it that some people just can’t “read the room”? I was at the doctor’s office the other day, and these two men were sitting there talking about sports, in a normal conversational tone. I mean, my wife and I and the other people in the room are whispering or talking softly,… Continue reading Talking Loudly
Loud Music in Your Car
Loud Music in your Car {Disclosure, I am over 40 and I’m a metalhead, so I like my music loud} I was young enough once to enjoy going to loud rock concerts where I would stand in the front row, next to the speakers that were blasting the music so loud that I still heard… Continue reading Loud Music in Your Car
I’m So Much More Important Than You Are
I’m So Much More Important Than You Are We have all run into this arrogant person in restaurants, stores, on the road, just about anyplace where there is some sort of interaction with other human beings. This person is the person that in a restaurant, will make a scene to get the waiter’s attention, or… Continue reading I’m So Much More Important Than You Are
Loud Music
Loud Music For many people, myself included, music is therapy. I have a 15-20 minute drive home after my carpool drops me off. It is very important that I have some good tunes to listen to during that time. I Got To Therapy Every Day – In My Car… Music Blasting…Singing Loud As Hell