Oversized Truck and SUV drivers

monster truck
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Oversized Truck and SUV drivers

First let me start by saying that I am not against large trucks and SUVs as vehicles, sure they are larger and suck gas, but hey if you want to drive such a vehicle, then go for it. In full disclosure, I myself drive a pickup truck. What I am against are the drivers of those monsters. Not all the drivers, just those that think that because they are in a tank, they can drive like a moron. I’m sure that is not their way of thinking, I’m fairly confident in stating that they are probably just morons, regardless of what they drive. The big vehicle just seems to attract them, which is all.

Let me clearly state what I am talking about the original Hummer, the jacked-up truck with the huge off-road tires, those are the vehicles I am referring to. You know the vehicle that you are almost certain that the guy driving has a tiny little pecker so he is compensating with a huge truck

Here are some examples of what I am talking about. Have you ever been driving down the road, and a large SUV or super-sized pickup truck is riding your bumper? It does not matter how fast or slow you are doing and what lane you are driving in, that clown in the goliath-mobile will surely be riding some other driver’s bumper. It is not that they are in “a big ass hurry” or anything, they simply want to either be in front of you (and all the other drivers on the road) or they simply just do not care, after all, they have all that extra sheet metal around them to protect them in a crash.

How about when you are trying to turn right into traffic and some idiot in his gigantic vehicle pulls up next to you to turn left across traffic? Of course, they have to keep creeping out further into traffic, which of course blocks your view of oncoming traffic. Then they will simply sit there waiting for the perfect opening, you know the opening, the one that you and five of your closest friends could get out of the car and do cartwheels down the road in. Yeah, ok, so I am exaggerating, only four of your friends could get out and perform that act in the street, but you get my idea. Therefore, because of this asshat, you have to wait until they cross traffic and you can see again before you can go.

How about the joker that will try to wedge their behemoth truck into a parking spot made for cars, leaving only 2.3 inches between your car and this tank? Of course on the other side of your car is parked another monster vehicle which left you 3.4 inches of room.

If you want to drive a vehicle that gets three gallons to the mile and takes a ladder to climb up into, then that is your choice. Just please think of the other drivers out there, we want to go on with our routine without having to be inconvenienced by your personal choices.

Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.


  • Mia Haresonfyre

    Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

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Mia Haresonfyre

By Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

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