I’m Going Give Him Six-Months – President Biden’s Age

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I'm Going Give Him Six-Months - President Biden's Age

First of all, I’m not wishing anyone harm, and I’m not wishing for harm to come to my beloved America, but, looking at President Biden over the past few weeks, I’m giving the man six months until he either passes away or is no longer able to fulfill the duties as President of the United States.

Here is a photo of President Biden and Governor Newsom, dated September 2021. He looks so old and frail and well looks like a man who is 80 years old.

Looking So Frail with Governor Newsom
President Joe Biden and Governor Newsom
Here He is Stumbling Not Only Verbally But Also Physically
Recently Forgetting To Salute As He Boards Air Force One
Falling Up Air Force One Steps
Falling At the US Air Force Academy Graduation

Sadly the crowd even cheers when he falls, how humiliating for the U.S.

Can't Get His Jacket To Work
Falls Off His Bicycle
Stumbles Down the Stairs
Stumbles Up The Stairs Again, This Time In Poland
Getting Lost and Confused - Oh Wait A Baby
Getting Lost At The AIr Force Acedemy Graduation
No Having A Single Clue On The World Stage At the G7 Summit

And this doesn’t even cover the number of times he forgot what to say, and where to go. Turning around and shaking hands with no one, forgetting where he is at. The man is just too old to be President. It is so embarrassing for the country.

Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.


  • Mia Haresonfyre

    Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

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Mia Haresonfyre

By Mia Haresonfyre

Greetings Earth People, I'm Mia and Joe is allowing me to post on his blog as a guest blogger, I sure hope he knows what he is in for. I wanted to post about some of my pet peeves and he told me that he already has a guest blogger for that section, so I'm going to post about etiquette. Now this isn't some stuffy how-to have a dinner party BS with a half dozen different forks, this is more along the lines of don't be an asshat type of etiquette. The dictionary describes etiquette as "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.". I define it as, don't be that asshat that everyone hates.

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