Look at this Fucking House!
This had to be a fucking Marine, who’s boot did this? But damn it is funny. It looks like something from Minecraft actually.
The magic Google box, states that it is a sculpture that was supposed to be on display at the Louvre. ‘Domestikator’, is a 4- foot-high, 30-ton work by an artistic collective founded by Joep van Lieshout, the Dutch sculptor, it was due to be exhibited in the Tuileries gardens next to the Louvre during the Fiac, Paris’s contemporary art fair, October 2017. This guy makes some rather interesting art, check out his portfolio.
Here is his description of the ‘Domestikator’.
Domestikator is a large-scale artwork that serves as a totem, a temple, and a beacon. It symbolizes the power of humanity over the world and pays tribute to the ingenuity, sophistication, and capacities of humanity, to the power of organization, and to the use of this power to dominate the natural environment. In order to support 7 billion people, agriculture has become an industry, with factory farming and genetic manipulation a necessity. This provides us with an ethical dilemma, as this kind of farming seems to border on abuse. At the same time, the literal abuse of animals, bestiality, is one of the last remaining taboos. Why is it that treating an animal like a fellow human is an unspeakable act, whilst treating an animal like a resource for industrial production is the norm?
Domestikator is part of the larger installation The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Good the Bad and the Ugly is a temporary settlement in Bochum, Germany that was designed for the Ruhrtriennale, a festival for theatre, music, dance, and arts.
It is even on Google Maps Street View
Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.
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