Spotsylvania is on Reelz TV – Episode 46

On Patrol - Live
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Spotsylvania is on Reelz TV - Episode 46

First and foremost, I want to thank you all for the outstanding work you do every single day. Feel free to seek me out for any assistance that I may be able to offer. If you need a cold drink on a hot day, just knock and I or someone from my family will come to your aid. You have a thankless job, that many people do not understand. Thank you

Spotsylvania County, Virginia (where I reside) is being featured on On Patrol: Live, from December 2 through Feb 4, 2023. On Patrol: Live is on Reelz and if you don’t have cable, then it is available on Philo. Philo is a digital streaming service, for just $25 a month.

New episodes coming on Fridays and Saturdays.

This episode was S01E46 broadcast on January 7, 2023. Camera crews tagged along with Deputy Jessica Delage and Deputy Tristen Burnett. They featured three different incidents in this episode.

** I will only mention the names of individuals who were arrested. Those arrest records are available online in several places and in the local news media as well.

This episode lasted 3 hours with Spotsylvania being featured first in this episode.

Incident 1

Episode 46 opened with Spotsylvania Deputy Tristen Burnett responding to a Domestic Dispute on Greengate Ave.

They break and return to this incident several times, two adults, (possibly a married couple) are arguing over taking a child to the hospital for breathing problems. The call ends with Marina Raven-Lynn Dull getting arrested for Drunk In Public (DIP). her exchange with the deputy is rather humorous.

At one point, she turns around and notices the cameras, and said:

Dull: “Is this Fredericksburg… Oh my God, I’m really on Fredericksburg Live…”
Dull: “I’m really not on Fredericksburg Live right now”
Brent – Man yells while holding the child, “go smoke your meth”

Later while in cuffs and getting ready for a pat down”
Dull: “I ain’t got no…. I just got a fat ass”

This was the first episode that I watched with so much being bleeped out. This woman talks like a sailor.

Ms. Dull seems to be a frequent flyer:

On 03/16/2021, Deputy Lay arrested Marina Raven-Lynn Dull (29) for public intoxication
On 03/18/2021, Deputy Bezeredi arrested Marina Dull (30) of Spotsylvania for assault and battery

Incident 2

The next incident for Spotsylvania is a call for a car accident with a car in the ditch. Deputy Burnett responses as backup to Deputy Bell at Courthouse Road, near Leavells Road to find a Dodge Charger in the ditch. Deputy Burnett was positive that alcohol was involved. He questions the driver – 21-year-old Hector Hernandez Guzman.