Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2022
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Happy Thanksgiving

AverageJoe and his team of guest bloggers, along with his family and friends are thankful this thanksgiving for many things. This infographic from the MilitaryBenefits.info website sums it up for us. Please be safe this Thanksgiving and keep our troops in your thoughts. 

Every year at the Average household, we go around the table and tell everyone what we are thankful for. This year I’m thankful for being with my family again this year. I remember all too well, the many years of not being with my family while being deployed. I’m thankful for my health this year. I know, how can I be thankful for my troubled health? Easy, it could always be worse. I’m still walking under my own power, I’m still able to drive a car and I’m still able to hold my job, though I fear that the day my job ends is coming soon. I don’t have any real indications, just a gut feeling.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Photo credit to Cpl. Corey Dabney (Public Domain)

Happy Thanksgiving


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Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.


  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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By Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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