My Adventures with Lyrica – Product Review

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My Adventures with Lyrica

If you follow this blog, then some of this is a recap, and some are new, so stay with me on this. My neurologist basically was concerned that since Virginia made Gabapentin a controlled substance that I would have trouble using Gabapentin at work and getting the prescription filled easily. So he originally wanted me to go back to Cymbalta, but you couldn’t pay me enough to try that crap again. So he suggested Lyrica, selling to me as a more refined or tweaked version of Gabapentin. So he gave me a trial box of 18 50mg pills and told me to try them and see how I like them. I’m going to fast forward a little as the 50mg pills were not enough so I ended up having to screw around for four days in pain as they were not cutting it until he called me and told me to up it to 100mg three times a day. I picked up my new prescription and now comes the product review.

At first, I was happy that I was not going to have to take a handful of pills and with Lyrica, I was only having to take three pills. They were cute little red capsules that basically screwed with me in every way possible, it was embarrassing at times actually. I’m going to ramble here as much of this wasn’t very clear to me, so I’m going to go as I remember it. Just note that more often than not, I tend to experience the rarer side effects of most medications, it is always a good time, not!

I would say one of the worst side effects I experienced was I was very argumentive and regardless of the facts, I saw it my way and that was the only way I could see it. Now, this is actually one of the rarer documented side effects, but I promise you this one existed for me. I know that I got into an argument with several co-workers, a friend, and more than one with my wife. Talking it over with my family after the fact, I would have argued with you about a green stop light convinced that it was actually red instead of green. I’m sure some of my relationships with people will forever be affected due to me not seeing things clearly while I was on Lyrica. This side-effect is actually listed as “false beliefs that cannot be changed by facts” and let me tell you it sucked. Sorry if I pissed you off while I was on Lyrica, that wasn’t me.

Now I also experienced itching, sore throat, a cough, swollen left eyelid, and swollen tongue along with tightness in my chest, and periods of difficulty in breathing. These all turned out to be an allergy to something in Lyrica, which sent me to the ER and I was rewarded with some Benedryl and prednisone and a 48-hour detox from my pain meds.

I also experienced blurred vision in my left eye as well as dizziness. Then there was the confusion, coordination issues, and clumsiness. I was actually bumping into walls and tripping over everything. Even my boss commented on it. I was stumbling over words and stuttering also, I was a total wreck. I couldn’t perform simple tasks, things that normally would take me five minutes or so were taking 20 to 30 minutes it was embarrassing and I’m sure my co-workers all had a good laugh at my expense.

Then there was increased fatigue and problems sleeping. For the past six to eight months I have been coming home fatigued and pretty much wiped out, but on Lyrica, it was far worse. I would come home and have to take a nap and still go to be earlier than normal for me.

Let’s just say that I’m so much better off on Gabapentin than I am with Lyrica. So cute little red pill or not, I’m just done with Lyrica and I will never try that junk again.

Lyrica you suck!!!

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Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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By Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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