Spotsylvania is on Reelz TV - Episode 54
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for the outstanding work you do every single day. Feel free to seek me out for any assistance that I may be able to offer. If you need a cold drink on a hot day, just knock and I or someone from my family will come to your aid. You have a thankless job, that many people do not understand. Thank you
Spotsylvania County, Virginia (where I reside) is being featured on On Patrol: Live, from December 2 through Feb 4, 2023. On Patrol: Live is on Reelz and if you don’t have cable, then it is available on Philo. Philo is a digital streaming service, for just $25 a month.
New episodes coming on Fridays and Saturdays.
This episode was S01E54 broadcasted on February 04, 2023. Camera crews tagged along with Deputy Jessica DeLage and Deputy Tristen Burnett. They featured one incident in this episode.
** I will only mention the names of individuals who were arrested. Those arrest records are available online in several places and in the local news media as well.
This episode lasted 3 hours with Spotsylvania being featured one time, at the very end of the episode.
Today’s theme seemed to be drunk, drinking, and just plain old being shit-faced. This episode really highlights the bull shit that police officers across the U.S. have to put up with. They rarely have to the person who is going to allow the officer to take control of the situation take their ticket and move on. The first three incidents are the police listening to a ton of BS and taking the abuse. And the officers were not only professional but they went easy on the people.
Incident 1
We open in Spotsylvania, Virginia with Deputy Jessica DeLage responding to a possible overdose at a local hotel. She responds to room 214 at the Super Value Inn on Richmond Highway (Old Econo Lodge behind Denny’s). The Super Value Inn is a hotel that often rents rooms by the month, which is often the only way some families can afford it as they can’t afford apartment fees and deposits and don’t qualify for a home loan. However, this also means that these hotels are hot spots for crime, drugs, and prostitution.
When Deputy DeLage arrives, at the room, the guy has already had two NARCAN doses administered and she administers a third. When EMS arrives the guy is still not very responsive. NARCAN or Naloxone is a medication that is often used to reverse or reduce the effects of opioids.
What most people do not understand is that the first person on the scene of almost any incident is the police.
Deputy Delage remained calm under pressure and as always a professional, Kudo to Deputy DeLage.
When EMS arrived, we quickly cut to another incident
Daytona Beach, FL
This time we are being taken to Daytona Beach, Florida, where Officer Richie Maher and other officers are responding to a fight at a local convenience store. When they arrive, the fight has been broken up and they try to put the pieces together and search for one of the victims, who is supposedly bleeding and carrying a log (as in a chunk of tree).
We quickly switch back and forth between Richland, SC, and Daytona Beach, FL.
The producers are having fun with the titles at the bottom of the screen and the search for a guy carrying a log
“Looking for a Logger“
“Search for Evening Wood“
The cops are still searching, so we move back to Richland, SC
When we come back they find a guy who thought he had himself some twinkies. (not sure what that has to do with anything)
A drunk guy falls off his electric motor scooter “have you been drinking tonight?” “yes sir, that is why I didn’t drive”
officer “you just about domed yourself on one of the 875 screwdrivers that fell out of your bike“