Well Now!

Well now! I too am curious as to how many times does this have to happen in order to get its own sticker? I’m sure more than once. I’m pretty sure that I’m reading the stickers correctly. No smoking, No dogs, No guns, No Blowjobs, Yes Fire Extinguishers on board, and Yes, AED on board


Heckboy Seriously, Heckboy, come on the movie is Hellboy and I don’t think that you get to rename it. I’m not sure Sony pictures wouldn’t approve either. I guess Heckboy is better than naming it ‘Anung Un Rama’.

Crayon Color ‘Dog Weiner’

Crayon Color ‘Dog Weiner’ Alright, who thought it would be funny to name a crayon color ‘dog wiener’ (it’s shocking pink)? I mean it is funny as shit, but still. And being a crayon eater, Marine, I think I will pass on this one, suddenly I’m no longer hungry.