A Little VA Disability Claim Trick ***NOTE*** There is nothing illegal or unethical about this trick. All Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on any report for any veteran is redacted. This trick simply gives you a little insight to how the VA looks at any particular disability. Alright, follow along with me while I explain to you… Continue reading A Little VA Disability Claim Trick
Tag: Disability
VA Benefits for Veterans with 100% Disability Update
VA Benefits for Veterans with 100% Disability Update Updated video for 2024. If you watch the video on YouTube, you can access the links referenced in the video. To watch on YouTube click the title at the top of the video itself.
Don’t Feed The Sharks
Don’t Feed The Sharks This post is about Veteran Affairs Disability Benefit Claim Sharks, or predatory companies that are taking advantage of veterans. Lately, there has been much talk about “For-profit” or commercial businesses that “help” veterans with their VA disability claims. The problem is that some of these companies are taking large chunks of… Continue reading Don’t Feed The Sharks
Broken Marines Everywhere
Broken Marines Everywhere I just finished making the post about the United States of Al episode about Riley’s VA disability claim, when I started episode #6 of the second season. This episode was about Veteran’s Day, and while I personally do not subscribe to the free food crawl that many veterans do, in this episode… Continue reading Broken Marines Everywhere
Feeling Bad About Being Disabled
Feeling Bad About Being Disabled While working on a blog post for a new feature, I was watching “The United States of Al” and I was surprised on Episode 13 of the first season. The Marine character, Riley (Parker Young) was having a problem with Tinnitus. His family was suggesting that he go to the… Continue reading Feeling Bad About Being Disabled
Helping a Brother Out
Helping a Brother Out In this case, the brother that I was helping out was my step-father and the helping out was getting his Veterans Affairs Disability account set up. I was in Florida not too long ago visiting family. While I was there I wanted to get my step-father’s online VA account set up… Continue reading Helping a Brother Out
A Look Deep Into The Veterans Affairs Disability Claims
A Look Deep Into The Veterans Affairs Disability Claims If you are curious about how the VA processes disability claims, you can get a little insight by using this little trick that I stumbled upon. Go to Google.com and in the search window type site:https://www.va.gov/vetapp01/ rheumatoid arthritis That will return several hundred results of all… Continue reading A Look Deep Into The Veterans Affairs Disability Claims
VA Disability Claims Pro-Tips #2
VA Disability Claims Pro-Tips #2 Lawyers For those of you who are first starting this process, you need to understand one thing. The Department of Veterans Affairs sadly has a whole team of lawyers who work for them to represent them at these hearings. It also seems that these lawyers have another purpose which is… Continue reading VA Disability Claims Pro-Tips #2
VA Most Commonly Approved Disability Claims
VA Most Commonly Approved Disability Claims The Veterans Administration recently submitted a report to Congress, which outlines the most common claims approved by the VA. Here Are The Top Ten: Tinnitus Hearing Loss Limitation of Flexion, Knee Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Lumbosacral or Cervical Strain (Back Pain) Scars, General Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve Limitation… Continue reading VA Most Commonly Approved Disability Claims
VA Disability Claims – Pro Tips
VA Disability Claims – Pro Tips ***NOTE*** I’m not a professional at this. These are just some things that I have learned along the way from doing my personal claims and my stepfather’s claims and from doing research for posts on this blog. Be careful of up-front costs. Your initial consultation with a VA disability… Continue reading VA Disability Claims – Pro Tips