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First and foremost, how you prep and how I prep, and how your neighbor preps will all be different. What works for me, may not work for you. As an example, I have 11 cats in my house, so I need supplies for a herd of cats, where you may not have a cat so you don’t require any cat supplies at all. The other thing you need to remember is that not only are my needs different, but my budget may be different as well as what I’m prepping for may be totally different than what you are prepping for.

Let’s say that I’m prepping for an EMP blast, and you don’t have a fear of that, so you don’t give it a second thought, it isn’t your “fear” or your “worry”.

I’m going to use ammo as an example for several examples in this post. The next thing you need to understand is that maybe I think I need 500 rounds of ammunition whereas you think you may need 5,000 rounds of ammunition. It really depends on many factors including what you are preparing for and how much money you want to allocate to your prepping stockpile.

Some people may feel that they need match-grade ammo for their preps, whereas others may feel that target grade works for them, whereas yet someone else may feel that bulk-grade ammo will work for their preps. It depends on how you are going to handle the situation you are preparing for. You also need to understand how you are going to handle the situation, meaning, are you staying put or bugging out? If you are bugging out, then you can only horde as much ammo as your bug-out vehicle can store, unless you have a dedicated bug-out location.

In the case of something like ammo, it also depends on how avid a shooter you are, if you have never shot a gun before or you don’t like to shoot a gun, then you will likely not need to store as much ammo as someone that loves to hunt and shoot. What I’m getting at here, is if you don’t shoot now, because you are afraid to shoot a gun, then you will likely not grab a gun for protection when you are bugging out or bugging in.

For me, the first step in prepping was to figure out exactly what I’m preparing for. It is so easy to say that I’m preparing for the end of the world or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). But what is your definition of TEOTWAWKI? Your definition might be different from mine. Once you have made a list of what you are preparing for, then you need to start making lists of things you think you will need.

If we lose power for 24 hours, that isn’t a TEOTWAWKI situation for me and my family, we have a generator, but we also love to go camping, and my son and I love to go hiking and camping, so being without electricity for 24 hours isn’t a huge problem for us. But let’s say an EMP strike happens and the entire grid is down for the entire United States, then that would be a TEOTWAWKI for me and my family.

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Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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By Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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