Oreo the Bunny Rabbit
Oreo is a black and white mini lop and to be honest the coolest bunny I have ever met. Oreo isn’t our first rabbit, we adopted another mini lop while we were stationed in Virginia Beach, and we named her Maddie. Maddie only stayed with us for a few years before she got sick and died.
We had no intentions of adopting another rabbit, but Oreo was and if you don’t take him, he will be dinner type of situation so we adopted him in 2013. Over the years his “house” has changed, currently, he lives his golden years in a three-story cage, with the front door open so he can roam the house when he wants. His upper level is a bachelor pad, where he has his water, his endless supply of fresh hay, and his blankets. This is where he sleeps, normally all curled up in his blankets (don’t mess with the bunny’s blankets, BTW). His second level is where his dry food is (he has a special dry food as he hates the hay pellets). This is also where he keeps his toys and the first floor or basement is where he throws his trash (food he is done with) and used the litter box. Rabbits are actually very clean and can be litter trained.
At one time his best friend was our deaf and partially blind pit bull, “Zeva“. The two of them got along so well. He is actually the Alpha of my animal kingdom and the cats and dogs all listen to him. He runs a strong kingdom too, doesn’t mess with the bunny or he will do some ninja skills on you and mess you up, and he has no problem “schooling” the dog or one of the cats.
Basically, he is a cat, that hops and eats veggies, he loves to hang out with his family, even watching TV at times. If you feed him something he doesn’t like or is tired of eating, he will toss it down to the basement for us to clean up. He is too funny and his favorite toys are his little plastic piggy bank, his large slinky, and his stuffed soccer ball. He loves Christmas, playing under all the wrapping paper and getting a sick belly from all the treats he got from Santa.
I never thought I was ever saying that a rabbit is cool, but bugs have nothing on Oreo!
Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.
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