Creep at the Stoplight

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Creep at the Stoplight

Can someone please explain to me, what the goal of pulling up to the stop bar at a red stop light, and then slowly keep creeping until your entire car is on the other side of the bar, while you wait for the stop light?

I know that it isn’t to take off faster from the light because nearly every time, I pass the person in a few seconds and I’m not rocketing off the line either. I just can’t for the life of me, figure out why you pull up to the bar and then creep into the intersection, potentially risking your life and those in your vehicle and the vehicle that might crash into you as you are sitting in the middle of the intersection.

Red Light running

It isn’t even the same type of vehicle or driver that is doing it. I have been beside mini-vans, SUVs, and sports cars doing it. I have seen male and female drivers, young and old doing it and I just can’t figure it out.

It is almost as annoying as the person who thinks there must be an invisible vehicle in front of them, as they leave a car length or more between them and the stop bar or the car in front of them. I mean, are they social distancing from the COVID days, lol?

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Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.


  • Average Joe

    Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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By Average Joe

Welcome to the Average Joe Weekly blog. This is basically my place on the web where I can help spread some of the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years. I served 10+ years in the Marine Corps on Active Duty, but that was some 25 years ago.

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