April 2005

April 2005 At this point in the game, my symptoms are still the left side numbness as a constant and the right side less numb and not as constant as the left. I have a heavy foot when I walk and my short-term memory is pretty much in the toilet. I get tired very easily… Continue reading April 2005

March 2005

March 2005 My first appointment with Dr. Doogie was the standard basic high-level exam, pinpricks, reflexes, plantar reflex checking for the Babinski response, taking my shoes and socks off and walk back and forth barefooted, then I had to walk back and forth and do squats in my underwear and shirt, then there were grip… Continue reading March 2005

October 2004

October 2004 This was going to be my first time in the MRI tube. Now if you don’t know what an MRI is, it is technically called Magnetic Resonance Imaging, but to me, it was better known as a torture table. If you have never had one, basically you are strapped to a table, but… Continue reading October 2004

April 2004

April 2004 In 2004 my symptoms included forgetfulness (I would transpose names and dates. Say the wrong word in the wrong spot…), fatigue (taking naps in the middle of the day just to get through the day), and loss of appetite (comes and goes ). loss of sexual desire (comes and goes), loss of sexual… Continue reading April 2004


2003 My first note states that in 2003 I could feel my heartbeat while I was resting, sometimes it was very hard. This is a very disturbing thing for me for some reason. Years later, I learned that this was Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). PVCs are extra, abnormal heartbeats that begin in one of the… Continue reading 2003


Welcome Wow, do I have some nerve, well really it should be plural, as I have some nerves. But that really doesn’t sound right. This blog is about my journey through the maze of doctors, tests, procedures, and medications as they try to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Basically, I have… Continue reading Welcome