How Sjögren’s Syndrome Has Affected Me Sjögren’s syndrome has a whole host of symptoms like Central Nervous System damage, glandular damage, lung damage, renal impairment, joint damage skin damage, as well as dry eyes, dry mouth, and dry skin. There are also issues with chronic fatigue, chronic cough, dental problems, and Brain fog. I mean,… Continue reading How Sjögren’s Syndrome Has Affected Me
Tag: autoimmune
March Is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month
March Is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month When an intruder invades your body like a cold virus or bacteria on a thorn that pricks your skin—your immune system protects you. It tries to identify, kill and eliminate the invaders that might hurt you. But sometimes problems with your immune system cause it to mistake your body’s… Continue reading March Is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month
What Is Brain Fog Anyway?
What Is Brain Fog Anyway? I saw a post on Facebook about what it is like to live with Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog. Well, I’m fairly certain that I can speak on this very topic. I have four autoimmune disorders and three of the four have brain fog associated with them, and then three of… Continue reading What Is Brain Fog Anyway?
My Very Own Pokémon Cards
My Very Own Pokémon Cards My son and I were talking about all my autoimmune disorders, one day as we were on our way to work. I have always made jokes about how I’m collecting autoimmune diseases like charms on a charm bracelet. He made the comment that I was collecting them like Pokémon cards.… Continue reading My Very Own Pokémon Cards
Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnosis
Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnosis As if Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Costochondritis, aren’t enough (plus a little of Premature Ventricular Contractions for good measure), my over-achieving ass just had to contract (I’m sure contract is the right word, more like I was gifted) Sjögren’s syndrome. Sjögren’s syndrome (pronounces “SHOW-grins”) is another autoimmune disease, that is characterized by… Continue reading Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnosis
Physical Therapy On My Shoulder
Physical Therapy On My Shoulder I started PT for my right shoulder, the one that I injured, trying to catch the round bale of hay. It is sort of humorous as I was describing to him my medical conditions and he was seriously doubting that I have them. His line of questioning and his comments… Continue reading Physical Therapy On My Shoulder
Traveling with Auto-Immune Disorders
Traveling with Autoimmune Disorders I’m currently drafting this in a hotel room in Alabama, where I’m staying for the week to attend a Cybersecurity Conference. I wanted to talk a little about traveling with auto-immune disorders and a bum-shoulder. There isn’t a secret to this or something magical, but it does require that I take the… Continue reading Traveling with Auto-Immune Disorders
How did I get Costochondritis?
How did I get Costochondritis? Doctors actually do not know the cause of costochondritis, but they believe it is likely connected to an injury or a previous infection of some sort of prolonged cough. In my case, I have never had an injury to my rib cage like that. Well, not a recent injury and… Continue reading How did I get Costochondritis?
What is it like to live with costochondritis (Costo chondritis)?
What is it Like to Live with Costochondritis (Costo chondritis)? First, it is a rare disease so you may have not heard of it. The medical definition is – Musculoskeletal condition involving inflammation of costal cartilage (rib cartilage). However, for those living with it, it is different for every one of us. For me it… Continue reading What is it like to live with costochondritis (Costo chondritis)?
Open Letter Thank You to all you Tweakers
Open Letter Thank You to all you Tweakers It seems to be that if you are not a drug abuser or a tweaker and you are trying to get a prescription filled for a controlled substance it is a hassle. In order to combat pain from my autoimmune disease, I take several controlled substances for… Continue reading Open Letter Thank You to all you Tweakers