Flashing Lights

Yellow flashing light
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Flashing Lights

15-20 years ago, you only saw flashing lights on emergency vehicles and tow trucks that were actually hauling a vehicle. Today, it seems like every construction vehicle, every trash truck, and every tow truck has these lights and they are on full-time. They are annoying and when you add the new brighter LEDs into the equation, they are very distracting as well. I dare say that they are dangerous.

I’m sure that all these companies read some study that proved that flashing lights save lives and they likely do and I’m not disputing that, but is there a reason for a trash truck to have them flashing while driving 45 mph down a road with no planned stops until they reach a neighborhood some 10 miles away? Of a tow truck just driving around waiting for a call, or the cable or phone truck to be cruising around on the interstate with the lights flashing?

It seems that they turn them on first thing in the morning and never turn them off until they turn off the truck at the end of the day. It sort of defeats the whole purpose of drawing attention to the vehicle when it is stopped or working if the lights are on full-time.

They are everywhere, school buses, tow trucks, trash trucks, work vehicles, delivery vehicles, construction vehicles, and signs …..

Alright, stepping down off this soapbox on this one.

Steven Peeven

My name is Steven Peeven and I'm very easily pissed off by other people and their stupid actions. I saw the Family Guy episode about Peter Griffin and what grinds my gears, so I decided to turn this into a series of blog posts. AverageJoe said that I can use his blog for my posts, so here I am.


  • steven peeven

    My name is Steven Peeven and I'm very easily pissed off by other people and their stupid actions. I saw the Family Guy episode about Peter Griffin and what grinds my gears, so I decided to turn this into a series of blog posts. AverageJoe said that I can use his blog for my posts, so here I am.

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steven peeven

By Steven Peeven

My name is Steven Peeven and I'm very easily pissed off by other people and their stupid actions. I saw the Family Guy episode about Peter Griffin and what grinds my gears, so I decided to turn this into a series of blog posts. AverageJoe said that I can use his blog for my posts, so here I am.

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